Resolutions Revisited

It’s mid-February and if you are like me you have probably made a resolutions and not followed through on them. That’s OK. You can always start again or start anew. And guess what? I have some ideas for you. Have sex outside the bedroom.Try a different room in your house or a different place altogether. […]

How to cum without using a toy

I LOVE TOYS!!! There I said it. Toys make sex fun and if you don’t have a partner it can make solo play time even more fun. But sometimes you can get bored with doing it the same way. Or maybe you forgot to charge your toy or worse your batteries died and you can’t […]

Top 5 Sex Drive Killers and What to do About Them

Hey everyone. It’s Renee Yvonne, The Gen Sexologist. And I know I haven’t been around for a couple of weeks. I don’t even have an excuse to give you, I just haven’t recorded anything, but I’m back. So yay. So today I want to talk about some things or what I call the five sex […]

6 Ways Your Vagina and Vulva Change As You Get Older

Hi everyone. It’s Renee Yvonne, the Gen Sexologist, and I am here today to talk about something that I don’t think we talk about enough. And even though I’m the Gen Sexologist and I’m working with people who are 45 and up, and we’re going through a lot of changes in our bodies, we still […]

6 Ways Women Can Experience Intense, Incredible Orgasms

Hey everyone. It’s Renée Yvonne, The Gen Sexologist, and it’s still Sex Ed Month. So this week I want to talk a little bit about various types of orgasms that women can have. And this is something that you’ve probably seen in Cosmo or a magazine like that that will give you a list of […]

The Benefits of Talking About Sex

    Sign up for my Free 15 minute Hot Sex Huddle and let’s see how we can get you talking to your partner so you can have the sex you desire and deserve. I want to do a Hot Sex Huddle

Common Sexual Challenges We May Face As We Keep Having Birthdays

They say… “life begins at 40!” But with that comes new challenges we may not have expected. In this video, I’m going to talk about some of the most common sexual challenges we face as we keep having birthdays. So you’re getting older, huh? And with that come new challenges… like the ones we face […]

4 Simple Ways to Incorporate Kink into Your S3x Play

Hi everyone. It’s Renee Yvonne, The Gen Sexologist. And I’m coming to you today. I wanna talk about a little bit about kink and shame, and then I wanna end with giving you four things you can do to add to your relationship, to spice it up a little bit and make it a little […]